Spring Sale is Live Up to $250 off In-Stock Skis

Demo Ski Sale 9AM TUESDAY

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Unique Look & Ready to Ship


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If there's one time of year that's our favorite, it's definitely Shaggy's Family Vacation at Mount Bohemia. It's the time when everyone at the factory, our ambassadors, customers, friends, and soon-to-be new friends all head up to the Midwest Powder Mecca, Mount Bohemia. Located in Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula and surrounded by Lake Superior, Bohemia was the perfect location for a 4 day weekend of shredding powder, hooting and hollering, and making memories. 

Here at Shaggy's we go by a simple rule: you have to live it. What this means for us is that just making skis isn't enough, you have to use them, push them, and most importantly know everything about them. When you call us, we must be able to relate to you, and this trip is all about living it!

For those of you who don't know, Mount Bohemia is an anomaly in the Midwest. It's terrain is rocky, rugged, and steep. They don't groom, they don't make snow, they simply receive heaps of lake effect powder from Gitchi-Gami.

Cliff Drop at Mount Bohemia - Norman Berge - Shaggy's Ahmeek 115

This year the stars were perfectly aligned and the snow just kept falling! Mother Superior must be happy this year!

We arrived on Wednesday night after a long day of building skis (gotta keep those orders going out) and were just a bit antsy to start shredding the 8"+ of fresh snow from the few hours of sleep we got. 

Unloading Skis at Mount Bohemia

Snowing at Mount Bohemia

We didn't waste any time getting the skis out and heading to the chairlift.

Michigan Powder - Chairlift at Mount Bohemia

And then we were off! Everyone was out bouncing off anything they could find, the snow was still puking and I don't think I took a break all day, open to close.

Jeff Pillow Send at Mount Bohemia

Ryan (our wood tech on the left) and Dave from Minnesota showed off for the camera.

Shaggy's Skis at Mount Bohemia

John (dad) and Shari (mom, and yes you've probably talked with her on the phone) couldn't help but smile with all the fresh snow.

Family at Mount Bohemia

Logan found a deep pocket of snow on his Pure Carbon Ahmeek 105s (Wilderness Collection graphic).

Logan Powder Skiing in Michigan

Stephanie was loving the Outer Limits!

Stephanie Thompson - Outer Limits at Mount Bohemia - Powder Skiing Michigan

This one says it all for Day One - smiles all around!

Outer Limits - Shaggy's Skis in the Backcountry of Michigan

On Days Two and Three, the snow kept coming. There was another 6-8" of fresh snow on top of a soft layer underneath on Friday and 8-10" on Saturday, everything was coming together! We took some quick group photos and then scattered into the trees. I knew at this point, we had no chance of getting everyone together all at once. The powder was calling, and we must go!

Group photo - Shaggy's Family at Mount Bohemia

It didn't take long to head over to the top of Horseshoe Chutes in The Extreme Backcountry area to find some of the best snow we've ever seen at Bohemia. The younger guys were sending huge lines off the cliffs (see the video above), but I found a pocket of chest deep pow!

Jeff Thompson Skiing in Chest Deep Powder

Everyone was cheering each other on and the turns were pristine.

Extreme Backcountry at Mount Bohemia

Skiing Cliffs

Extreme Skiing in Michigan - Mount Bohemia

Everyone took in the scenery and then the send continued!

Norman Berge - Skiing in Michigan - Michigan Backcountry - Mount Bohemia

As usual, Norm went big! This time he found himself bouncing off a few rocks. Good thing he recovers quickly!

Crash over a Cliff skiing

After a long day of skiing, we partied at the Log Cabin Bar at the base of Bohemia. It was interesting to say the least...

Log Cabin Bar at Mount Bohemia - Shaggy's Party Skis

Friends new and old joined up. The Shaggy's Family is growing!

Ski with a buddy at Mount bohemia

We even convinced Bike Mike from North Country Cycle Sport in Boyne City to take a few days off and boy he's glad he did.

Bike Mike from NCCS Boyne at Mount Bohemia Skiing Shaggy's Review

What good ski trip is complete without a hot dog lunch!? Thanks for the dogs ladies!

Hot Dogs at with Shaggy's

Logan darn near got lost in the powder spray. 

Logan Stanley Skiing at Mount Bohemia

It was like skiing with free refills, constantly finding new lines and old lines filling in!

Powder skiing - Skis made in USA - Shaggy's Skis

Ryan Kildee Shredding the Powder

You couldn't turn off the smiles if you tried!

Smiles Skiing at Bohemia

The Shaggy's Family was out in full force and the memories were endless!

The Shaggy's Family skiing at Mount Bohemia

And like all good ski trips, you've got to get on the bus! At Bohemia, many of the runs don't end at a chairlift, so taking the bus is the only way back to a lift.

Mount Bohemia Ski Bus

 Nothing's better than seeing happy faces from satisfied customers!

Shaggy's Happy Customers

To finish off the weekend, we had to give away a pair of skis and a ton of SWAG.

Ski Giveaway

The excitement was building and everyone couldn't wait to see who was going to win!

Ski Giveaway at the Yurt - Skiing

Then it happened! Talk about a happy camper.

Ski Winner

This trip was an amazing one and it will be hard to beat! We loved meeting up with customers, friends, and cheering each other on.

A huge thank you goes out to everyone who came and made this event so much fun! We couldn't do this without our amazing customers!

Thanks to Mount Bohemia and the whole crew for hosting this event.

And to everyone who didn't make it, plan on joining us next year, dates coming soon!

-The Shaggy's Family

PS: Check out photos and behind the scenes video clips at: www.skishaggys.com/pages/follow-shaggys-family-vacation

Group at Mount Bohemia


fpKInxtC said:


lIVmOnxewbgDfr said:


Robert Carnahan said:

Hi Jeff A fine job and incredible snow. Did anyone ride skis with NanoMag damping system?? Hop it’s a good year for you, bob Carnahan

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