Mount Bohemia Midseason Pow
Sunday morning came way too early for me. After not enough sleep, the blaring of my alarm at 5:30 was not exactly the most pleasant thing in the world, but I was happy to be awake because at 6:15 I was leaving for Mt. Bohemia. I quickly gathered all of my gear, stumbled out of the dorm, and began the 3 hour drive north to Bohemia in near whiteout conditions. The previous day had been some of the worst weather I have personally seen so far in Marquette with blizzard warnings and -40+ degree wind chills. While the temperature had not changed much overnight (one road sign near L’anse read -27!) by the time we reached Baraga the wind had died down and the sun was out. Mt. Bohemia had closed the previous day due to dangerously high winds so there was sure to be lots and lots of untracked fresh snow!
When we finally arrived at the mountain I was not disappointed, it seemed like around 4-6 inches had fallen over the previous day and had not been touched by anyone. The sun was out and although it was still well into the negatives it did not feel cold at all. The view from the summit was incredible, I could easily see the peaks of the Huron Mountains far across Lake Superior and every detail of the rugged, terrain of the Keweenaw Peninsula.

Mt. Bohemia really is amazing right now. With over 200” on the season the coverage and snow conditions were unreal. We were able to find untouched glade runs in the outer limits until we left at 3, and probably could still today (Tuesday) find some untouched lines from last week’s storm cycle. The skiing was all time, however I will let the POV footage do the talking there. As for the ride home? I have no idea, I fell asleep around 10 minutes out of Bohemia and didn’t wake up until Marquette. I just hope the lake effect monster keeps rolling into the second half of the season and keeps the snow falling!