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Ski Now, Pay Later

In case you didn't know, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula got a little bit of snow in the past week. With over 40 inches on the ground in some places, there was no way the lack of running chairlifts was about to stop me from getting after it.

On Thursday morning I hit the hill (Marquette Mountain) at about 10 AM and immediately started hiking. Luckily for me the snowmobiles and snow cats had been out, and had packed out somewhat of a cat track up the mountain which made the hike much easier. I stepped off the trail to check the snow depth, and in a couple spots it was well past my waist. After a short 15 minute climb I made it to the summit, snapped in, and found some of the best snow I have ever skied. The snow drifted itself up and I was slashing pow, dropping baby cliffs, and jumping off of anything I could find. One run didn't cut it, and I immediately headed back up for two more runs. On my last run of the day, I even managed to find a legit 15 foot cliff drop, not bad for November 13th. After the third run I realized that I only had a half hour to get back to campus for my math class and wound up sitting in class still wearing ski boots, which my professor thought was absolutely hilarious.

This winter has started off amazing and I can't wait to see where the rest of the season takes me. With nothing but snow and cold in the Forecast, I'm sure it’s going to be a good one.


Lake Superior in November

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